Flush draws are beautiful, but there is a limit to how much you should spend on them.
Check To the Raiser
Three Quick Score Improvements
Don't Overpay for Flush Draws
Your instinct to check to the raiser is correct from a GTO standpoint. How cool is that?
Three Quick Score Improvements
Three Quick Score Improvements
Why You Might Fold J6s in the Small Blind
If you're leaving for the poker club in an hour, these suggestions might improve what happens when you get there.
Why You Might Fold J6s in the Small Blind
Why You Might Fold J6s in the Small Blind
Why You Might Fold J6s in the Small Blind
Everybody just tosses in the half blind with J6s in the small blind, don't they? Here's why you might save that half a blind.
They Don't Think (or Play) Like You Do
Why You Might Fold J6s in the Small Blind
They Don't Think (or Play) Like You Do
Trying to model your poker opponents as thinking or acting like you do will lead to disappointment and confusion. Give them a clean slate to start.
Button straddles suck
Why You Might Fold J6s in the Small Blind
They Don't Think (or Play) Like You Do
Button straddles are just plain awful. They're bad for the game and selectively harm certain players at the table. And they definitely don't spur action.
Card Player, 9/21/1990
Poker skills in the jury box
Poker skills in the jury box
This article was published in Card Player in September of 1990. I had been writing them for 2-3 years at that point. I like to think I've gotten better.
Poker skills in the jury box
Poker skills in the jury box
Poker skills in the jury box
Wherein I find myself on a jury in a small criminal case, but using poker skills to make good decisions in the deliberations.